help needed with paste consistency
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Posted by Debbie on December 28, 1999 at 19:51:04:
My first foray into henna was with a packaged kit, henna powder and a bottle of liquid stuff form Lakaye. It worked great, but I want to make my own paste. However, for some reason, it won't squeeze out of the bottle right. The henna paste appears to be smooth and a nice consistency, and occasionally it comes out of the bottle beautifully, but then it either gooshes out or doesn't come out at all! Am I just not sifting the henna enough? I've been using the same tip for awhile (cleaning it after each use), do they get old or get paste build-up? I've tried using a cone, and just don't like the feel of it. I prefer the plastic bottles with the metal tips. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure everyone has heard these questions a million times, but it's all new to me!