Re: transferring designs - how?
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Posted by Catherine Nielsen on December 30, 1999 at 05:06:15:
In Reply to: transferring designs - how? posted by Eliz. R. on December 29, 1999 at 18:44:05:
I use a "noblot ink pencil" made by Eberhard Faber. It looks very much like an ordinary pencil. You trace the lines you want to transfer, then dampen your skin, and press the traced paper against it. What transfers is a blue-green line, so you can see it pretty clearly. Eberhard Faber makes art pencils, so I think you could probably get this in an art supply store. (I got mine over the Internet, it came in the first henna kit I ordered; the kit was a dud, but the pencil is great). : I have line drawings on paper and want to transfer the guidelines to : skin, so I can henna over them. Is there a good way to do this? : (I've tried pen & alcohol to transfer, but it blurs. It's not worth : cutting rubber stamps for a single design, and I haven't been happy : with stencils for guidelines.) Please tell me what kind of paper (or : transparency film or whatever) you use, as well as the medium, if you : already do this. Thanks!