Re: henna on soft skin
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Posted by Amy L. on January 02, 19100 at 07:59:50:
In Reply to: henna on soft skin posted by Mark on January 02, 19100 at 04:33:52:
Henna just doesn't take well on thin skin... on thicker skin, it will hang around much longer, and stain darker to boot. I have had good fortune with wrapping my mehndi. They come up chocolatey or darker... hennotannins just LOVE sweat, I guess. Of course I haven't done anything except my hands and wrists, and the wrist came out significantly lighter and was far more transient. I think you wouldn't want to wrap some areas, understandably enough (did I mention it gets hot, sweaty and TIGHT under a wrap? nuff said), so good luck there, but for everywhere wrappable, an overnight wrap, heat, acid, and fresh henna are all you need.