Re: Navneet Publishing
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on January 07, 2000 at 16:30:59:
In Reply to: Re: Navneet Publishing posted by Wendy on January 07, 2000 at 15:50:13:
Ok....see the purple lettering below, that says LINK to Navneet? That's a link to Navneet. (cyberjabber flummoxed me at first too.....actually it still does, I'm not all that bright) When you get there, look for the green word "HOME" under a little roof. There is a slot under the green word "home". Type mehandi into that slot and hit enter. The books, all 23 will come up page after page. They have a shopping cart program, and it seems to allow for visa, master, and money order. Now, just below here, in purple, it should say "LINK to Navneet", and if I didn't screw up, if you click on it you should get straight to Navneet. (I'm not guaranteeing I've got it right...)