Re: Keep Us Updated
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Posted by P.J. on January 09, 2000 at 18:38:39:
In Reply to: Keep Us Updated posted by SeeSee on January 08, 2000 at 21:47:18:
Some of the leaves fell off of mine, (about seven!) and I tried to grind them down in a food processor. I had no luck at it. But what I find works GREAT for crushing them is a marble mortar and pestel. I have a little one that I just bought from a Lechter's (but you can get them at any kitchen supply) for about $10. It really is invaluable for grinding down the dried leaves finely, or smashing the fresh leaves into a nice, smooth paste. However, if you are working with dried leaves, Still say that Catherine's method of grinding and sifting through 2 layers of panty hose works best.