A good reference book on Moroccan Henna & Tattooing

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Posted by Carrie on January 10, 2000 at 04:29:03:

The book is called "Arts & Crafts of Morocco" By James F. Jereb,
published bt Chronicle books in 1995. List price is $22.95, but my
local bookstore had it on sale for $12.95.

It has a whole chapter on Beliefs, Symbols & Tattoos. Lots of good
color and black & white pictures.

Some quotes:

"Tattooing is usually done during a ceremony, because it is
considered a social activity. The tattoer, who can be male or female,
traces the motif on the skin with the aid of bluing or pot balck
(obtained from cooking pots); indigo can be added to this, after
which the design can be covered in henna or saffron for healing
purposes and for making the mark more visible. The skin is then
lightly pricked along the lines already marked by the dye, after
which dried pulverized leaves of various special plants are added.
Once the imflammation has subsided, a permanent blue-green emerges."

"Tatoos are also considered an enhancement of female beauty. The
actual placing of the tattoos can often be a cosmetic change, almost
restructuring or emphasizing certain features. Tattoos on the arms,
fingers and wrists can lend gestures a kinetic lightness and
delicacy, and when placed near the breast and pubic areas are
intended to increase the sensuality of the female body."

"Some special tattoos applied to a womans back are believed to both
prevent infertility and treat it."



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