Re: Catherine's Carrot Bags Save the Day
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Posted by Kym on January 10, 2000 at 19:54:22:
In Reply to: Catherine's Carrot Bags Save the Day posted by MyST on January 10, 2000 at 18:43:47:
I have started using the carrot bags recently when I found them at our local Packaging Specialties store. There were 50 of them in a bag for 4 dollars. They have a wholesale wharehouse in Portland, and we have a retail one here in Seattle. They are a lot thinner plastic than the cones I am use to. ( I have always used homemade cones made from light Visqueen type stuff and a heat sealer.) I am wondering how you go about getting a round line also, Catherine, the tips don't hold there shape. I love how nice they are on you hands though. The one time I tried to use a bottle it killed.