Re: Question for Professionals
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 15, 1998 at 15:39:07:
In Reply to: Question for Professionals posted by Jill on March 14, 1998 at 06:23:44:
I re-henna my hands and forearms every week before I teach mehandi....and every time a client asks for hennaeing, I show them how dark the henna is on my palms, less so on the backs, and fading up the arms. We talk quite a while about the importance of the hand in the henna traditions, and I can usually make them understand what sort of variations they can expect in henna on their skin. I haven't had any complaints in darkness or blotchiness because I lean really hard on educating every client. If they can see the difference in henna on my skin, they usually make a decently well informed decision about their own hennaeing.