Re: Just out of curiosity....
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Posted by Christine on January 10, 2000 at 23:47:34:
In Reply to: Just out of curiosity.... posted by Shel on January 10, 2000 at 06:19:11:
: I've been lurking around here and occasionaly posting for a couple of : years now (has it been that long? Grin) and noticed several people : mention they were belly dancers lately. SO before curiostiy gets the : cat (grin) how many of us are there that are belly dancers that also : are henna wearers? Just curiouse because I am the only one in my : troupe who wears henna on a regular basis. What kind of designs do : you use mainly for performances? Larger bold ones or the more : detailed ones? I have been a dancer for over 5 years in NYC/CT area I use more arabic designs in club, Moroccan when I do Romany or Tribal style. I guess it depends on my mood or music i will be using during the performance. But it gives a great effect when zilling especially the bolder arabic designs.. But that works for me