Autumn: henna-red leaves
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Posted by Michelle on January 11, 2000 at 23:39:39:
Source: "The Sacred Book and Early Literature of The East". Charles F. Horne, ed, (New York: Parke Austin & Lipscombe, 1917.) Volume 1, Medieval Arabia. Here's a piece from the poem:
AUTUMN "Ablaze each tree and blent are all in one glare, And therefore charged with glistening fire the still air. Amidst the yellow foliage perched the black crows- As a tulip, Saffron-hued, that spotted cup shows. A yellow-plumaged bird now every tree stand, Which shakes itself and feathers sheds on all hands. Each vine-leaf paint it's face, bride-like, with gold ink; The brook doth silver ankelets round the vine link. The plane-tree hath it's hands, with henna, red-dyed, And stands there at the parterre's court the fair bride. The erst green tree now like the starry sky shows, And hurling meteors at the fiend, Earth stones throws..." Lami'i. I hope this piece hasn't been posted before..