bags are fast

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Posted by Eliz. on January 12, 2000 at 19:05:25:

In Reply to: Re: Castle art imports has reusable baggies posted by Catherine Cartwright jOnes on January 11, 2000 at 15:05:51:

: Don't pinch at the tip. Hold the cone firmly towards the back, like
: you're holding a lab rat and trying to write with it's nose.

You paint a vivid image - fortunately, the bags don't squirm much. (I
like them, but it is taking some time to get used to rotating the bag
for an even-width curved line.)

: suprise you. I did a big Chinese dragon on Eliz.'s leg in less than
: 15 minutes, I think.... it's about as fast as a marking pen.

About 13 minutes - my recording runs just under 15, and includes some
dead time. I'm still in awe. You were clearly working from your arm,
not wrist & fingers, and yet managed to get a lot of detail! I think
one must gain speed with confidence, too. (I *hope*!)


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