Re: safety ?'s
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Posted by Giselle on January 13, 2000 at 02:35:02:
In Reply to: safety ?'s posted by prisma on January 13, 2000 at 02:02:02:
It is safe as long as the henna paste is made from natural ingredients that you are not allergic to. Most ingredients for henna are: ground henna plant (lawsonia enermis)(nontoxic), lemon juice, eucalyptus oil, cloves, methi seed, limes, etc. Some like simple recipes such as just henna and lemon juice, others like more elaborate recipes. If you've never been exposed to henna before, you might want to do an allergy test first. Spread a little henna paste on the inside of your arm (about an inch square), let sit for about twenty minutes, then wipe off. If all's fair for rest of the day and night, then you should be fine. But if you break out red and itchy, then you might be allergic. However, if there are nasty chemicals in the paste, it may not show up until AFTER the stain has diminished (usually after a few days to a couple of weeks). Your skin will seem burned and blistery. Ask first. Make sure there are no chemicals in the henna paste. Henna itself is conditioning for the skin and hair, and is often used as an ointment for scrapes and booboos. It's also been taken internally to ward off ailing digestive tracts. Good luck and have fun. Most people here on the forum would probably say that henna is mainly good for the soul. *smile*