Re: another bare belly

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Posted by lisa on January 13, 2000 at 19:49:58:

In Reply to: Re: another bare belly posted by Catherine Nielsen on January 12, 2000 at 01:20:23:

: I have a rather personal question for all of the belly dancing
: who have children. Are you, um, actually BARE? In the belly area,
: mean.

Pretty much all of the dancers in my class dance bare. We have
all varying shapes, from skinny to reubenesque, and everything
in-between. The only person who covers up does so because she has a
rather large surgical scar.

We have a great support network. My teacher is very much into
promoting positive body images. She's a very curvaceous woman with a
nicely rounded belly and she always looks beautiful.

However, if you still feel uncomfortable about dancing bare, I can
e-mail you the address of a bellydance supplier who makes these
body stockings that really slim you down. I had one of these body
stockings on as part of a troupe costume, and it slimmed me down
to an almost flat stomach (I'm normally a size 11 or so.)


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