Re: applicators
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Posted by Christine on January 13, 2000 at 23:49:51:
In Reply to: Re: applicators posted by dawn on January 13, 2000 at 21:17:30:
: yes, these are the first and only kind of bottles i have used. i may : have posted the suggestion some time last year, but for other people, : i am so glad you brought it up! if anyone is looking for a company : name of the stuff, the ones i have are by tulip. but you have to make : sure the bottle you get has a screw nozzle, some don't! i find you : can get like all of your henna out by using these bottles, slender : and seems more flexible than the other ones most sites show. and they : freeze well, i haven't had mine burst yet, and i fill that sucker all : the way up too. if anyone is new to the henna stuff, after you thaw : it, make sure you squeeze out that little bit of liquid from having : been frozen. i don't get to do it much because i do not know that : many people who are willing to have it done...believe it or not!!! i : start cosmetology school tomarrow so hopefully i will get some new : volunteers so i can add pictures to my tiny mehndi page. the webring : doesn't have me working yet, so the webring thing doesn't work yet, : only the list sites link works right now. The best applicators are jacquard bottles by Rupert, Gibbon & Spider. They are great mehndi bottles you can find them where there is fabric, tye dye stuff in your art store, Pearl Paint has them or you can order them directly from the company char who runs this website is very good to deal with here it is http://www.microweb.com/nature/index.html She also sells nature toys etc. Give them a try she is very good on delivery I use either cone or jacquard bottle, depends on venue. blessings, christine