Almost black
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Posted by MyST on January 14, 2000 at 18:45:38:
I have to say that I used some dark green henna powder that we had been storing in our fridge for about 6 months (air tight). I sifted it really fine (it didn't need much sifting)....soaked it overnight with only lemon juice, and then the next day added just a TOUCH of eucalyptus oil. I applied my BOLD designs to my left hand, and before they were completely dry I applied a bunch of lemon juice and sugar.....then wrapped with saran wrap, and went to sleep. Woke up the next morning, picked off the paste, and I ended up with gorgeous dark mahogany coloured designs. Here's the problem. I don't know if the henna was from Life Art (Which I'm thinking it was) or from Castle Art. Phooey! MyST