Re: Henna Artists Needed for 5-day event (Feb) in Phoenix, AZ
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Posted by Jennifer on January 14, 2000 at 22:51:13:
In Reply to: Re: Henna Artists Needed for 5-day event (Feb) in Phoenix, AZ posted by Jennifer on January 14, 2000 at 22:44:50:
: I am interested in applying and I was looking for an excuse to go to : Estrella. I originally was going to get a booth or I had a contact : there that I might have joined with but I hadn't contacted her yet. : (She has a clothing booth there.) You saved me some work, I hope. : I have been doing henna here for over 3 years, 2 of them : proffesionally. First I worked for an Indian Woman who had a booth at : Irvine Spectrum and after aprox. a year I branched off on my own. I : have done work for Calvin Kline perfumes at Macy's, MTV Block Party : for the west coast during the awards and The Downtown Los Angeles : Mullinium children's party call The Global Village doing : facepainting, which I do also. (It transfer's over well from henna : work and I paint bindis and tribal facial tattoos as well.) I have : also had my own booth at a pier as I live in Southern California near : the beach. : I just had some recent pictures taken at a MECCA dance party of the : henna work I did there and can email them to you on Monday. I am also : updating my costumes and will send a couple of those pictures as : well. (Is bedouin prefered?) : Our website isn't up yet,but as of,I hope, Monday some of our pictures will be on Tribe Roman Morga's website at Kim and I and : Monica, another of our artists, will be using this as one of our : contact sites for work. Kim is the head TRM and you can see alot of : pictures of our group there. Let me know if you are interested. : Thank you, Jennifer. : : : I posted this question about a month ago under : : "Speaking of Festivals", but since then have had only one response. : I figured a more concise headline would work. : : Anyway, this is an SCA event for those of you who are familiar with : that, so medieval or middle eastern garb is required. To learn more : about SCA go to : : Event starts on 2/16 and runs til 2/21 (though you could easily cut : out on 2/20) and is desert camping! It is called Estrella War, and : between 5000-7000 people are expected to attend. Go to link below for : Estrella War info. : : Admission into the event is around $35. At minimum you must have : camping gear and a WARM sleeping bag, water and sunscreen. There are : food merchants at the site, or you can bring your own. See earlier : paragraph about clothing... : : Pay is 70/30 split, plus commissions of 10% if you sell any henna : powder or kits. : : We are sharing the merchant space with moroccan imports and belly : dance clothing. The tent is a 15x30 canvas bedouin-nice and authentic. : : We will be using Castle Arts henna, and I have TONS of books and : designs, but feel free to bring more. : : Any interested artists (I can only take 2 more) : : will need to be possess talent, integrity and some degree of speed : at thier work. I will need to see the quality of your work, so email : me your website address or photos if they are not too large. : : I am looking for artists in the Arizona, SO-CAL, or New Mexico : area, so that your travel time will be short. If you are from farther : away and are willing to drive/fly to Phoenix, that will be your : financial responsibility. : : Post questions here or email me privately. : : Thanks! : : Carrie