Re: Starting a Henna tatooing business

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Posted by sara hale on March 16, 1998 at 14:29:42:

In Reply to: Starting a Henna tatooing business posted by Tracey Page on June 08, 1997 at 17:06:14:

: I am currently living in Cairo, Egypt and have been henned several times. I am returning to the states soon and would like to start this in my area. I am having the Sudaneese artist show me how to mix the henna and I am getting a supply here. I am wondering how hard it will be for me to replace my supply when it if finished and could I possibly order any stencils by mail until I feel comfortable doing the designs on my own. Any info. would be greatly appreciated.
i am doing a project for one of my classes and wanted to know if you could send me some information on starting a tatoo business, and some of the laws that you have to obey.Or just information on tatooing. i have a tatoo already and i want more designs and stuff so i can get more. i really love the artwork.


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