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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on January 17, 2000 at 03:34:49:
In Reply to: Re: Okay, guys. Just for fun. . . who would you like to see hennaed? posted by Michelle on January 17, 2000 at 02:53:03:
I'll go for the traditional ones: The models in "Bride" (and suchlike) magazines (and their grooms) .... The dancers at "Tiffany's", "Crazy Horse" etc. .... (and the ladies who in one way or another are musicians or temporary brides) Every guy going into battle should be hennaed (hey, Cyrus the great hennaed his troups....and many Persian and Turkish troups hennaed through the medieval period) (lets get a class in henna at WestPoint), and while they're at it, lets restore the tradition of the troups being led into battle by a naked, gutsy, hennaed young woman! (riding astride her hennaed HumVee at full throttle) Honest to goddess ... all that's got precedence! Don't even get me started on why Monica Lewinsky should have been hennaed...... and certainly Elton John should be hennaed , RuPaul certainly should have henna ... and if the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antonius entered Rome hennaed, that could extend to ... well.... all sorts of otherwise very tiresome geezers. I'd like to see paintings of Mary Madgalene with her hands hennaed. They certainly would have been when she was alive.....