Re: skin protector
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Posted by jocelyne on January 17, 2000 at 08:54:22:
In Reply to: Anyone have workable prevention? posted by Eliz. on January 16, 2000 at 18:24:55:
I havn't tried it, but there is a hand protectant product out there that is supposed to work like a glove, for people who have their hands in water all day and such (could I be any more vague?... don't remember the correct name of the product). it goes on like a cream and forms a sealed layer, does this sound familiar to anyone? : Add my sympathies - early work with plastic bags and hand-rolled cones : failed spectacularly - the seams often burst, also. (I now know how : to roll a cone that *doesn't* leak, thanks to CCJ.) : Does anyone have a workable method for prevention? I can't stand : surgical gloves, but does hand cream or vaseline or glove-in-a- bottle : deter the staining of the working hand? Or does the stuff just rub : off on the "canvas" area and mess up the design? (Yes, I know this : means planning ahead, and one doesn't always think of it until : afterward.)