Darker, Darker...
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Posted by Amy L. on January 18, 2000 at 04:02:35:
In Reply to: Re: Hennapaste posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on January 17, 2000 at 19:47:51:
Do what Catherine said... make sure your henna is quite fresh, and, if you have enough paste, go over the design twice. (though doing so tends to blur very thin lines... pretty hard to get it EXACTLY right!) My NewSkin hasn't come in yet, so I still go over the bits of designs that fall off before they really stain, and it gets DARK. Part of my dragonfly is quite literally black, and the CastleArt henna I'm using is a month old. And I'm not even adding cloves, much less PPD or a similar unholy substance. (perish the thought!)