stamping henna and distilled henna
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on January 18, 2000 at 15:56:57:
I've been futzing around (in the copius spare time) with a fabric stamp pad saturated with really runny henna. Regular henna paste is too thick. Rubber stamps don't pick up the "ink" evenly enough. But fabric sponge stamps do. The stamped pattern is probably not thick enough for skin decoration. But it works just fine on fabric, although when ironed it doesn't come out as dark as the stain from a good henna paste. Oh, and I was finally able to do the distillation thing with my X-mas was a bit disappointing. I was hoping for an oil, but what I got was lightly scented henna alcohol. Since alcohol does weird things to the texture of the paste, it's not the holy grail additive I was hoping for. But it is an attractive light green color and once the alcohol smell evaporates it smells like fresh henna.