Re: ladybugs?
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Posted by lisa on January 21, 2000 at 01:08:22:
In Reply to: Re: ladybugs? posted by Natasha Papousek on January 20, 2000 at 14:14:05:
: I'll have to try the onion juice method. I don't like using : pesticides -- not even botanically derived pyrethrins, although they : work really well. I detest pesticides, too, but I remember an aphid begone solution from one of my sister's organic magazines : take a lot of chili peppers, put them in a blender, and grind them up well. Strain out the juice and spray them on the plants. (Ants carry the aphids in, and they *hate* chili peppers) You will have to spray frequently, but it's better than pesticides. Speaking of ants, you can scare them out of your house if you coat their trail with essential clove oil. (I think coating the ants themselves does something nasty to the ants, too, but I'm not sure.) A friend of mine swears by this method.