Re: Henna recipe with COCA-COLA!!???
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Posted by Christine on January 22, 2000 at 00:23:34:
In Reply to: Henna recipe with COCA-COLA!!??? posted by Carrie on January 21, 2000 at 05:43:04:
: I met a woman the other day in an arabic/indian market who was buying : henna for her hair. Of course, I started the "I do mehndi if you're : interested" speech. : We chatted a bit, and she told me her mother always put Coca Cola in : her henna. In both the hair and the skin staining recipes!! : I didn't think they had Coca Cola in India, but she explained to me : she was raised in America, and was only half Indian, and her mother : had been doing it this way since around 1970, when she married and : moved here. : She says it "froths". I'm thinking that it provides both stickiness : and acidity. Coca Cola CAN eat the paint off your car, so acidity is : high, I'm thinking. Why would it be frothing-carbonation? Reaction to : some other component? : Wouldn't it be funny if this were the 'holy secret ingredient'?? : Anyone out there EVER hear of or try this? : Carrie I never heard of coca-cola as an ingredient in the mix. Does anyone want to test the theory? It can't be any stranger than camel urine (eWWW).I guess everyone has their own "secret Ingredient". Blessings, Christine