Re: latex allergies

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Posted by Un-named on January 24, 2000 at 07:05:31:

In Reply to: Re: latex allergies posted by Amy C on August 04, 1999 at 18:53:03:

: I just want to emphasize Catherine's point about asking people if
they are allergic before using liquid latex. Latex allergies are not
common (unless you work in a hospital and get lots of exposure), but
in people who have them they are often anaphylactic. The reaction
can be severe enough to close the throat & stop breathing! You do
not want this to happen anywhere, but especially not in a festival
crowd. If anyone starts to itch, feel stuffed up, have their lips or
tounge swell, or feel at all short of breath after latex exposure,
they need medical attention. Do not just wait for a reaction to
subside by itself. Hopefully most people who have this allergy will
already know it.

I would like to mention that not every one knows that they are
allergic to latex. I just discovered this allergy in my own life.
(Condom-related) There are even warnings on the wrappers of condoms
about the latex being potentially allergy-causing in some people.
Something I found out too late.


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