Hello again, few new hints!!!
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Posted by Aisha Hashmi on January 24, 2000 at 17:56:32:
Hi again! I am fine and Myst, I LOVED your site! Lots of info! By the way, I have discovered something new!!! Try and let me know if you got the same results! Get a good quality henna powder and mix with BLUE MINT MOUTHWASH!!! Has ecu. oil, menthol, etc. Also, take a hand bath with 3 big tablespoons of ginger powder and a cap ful of peppermint oil. Soak in hot hot hot water, as hot as you can stand it, and after about an hour, apply the henna thats been mixed with the mouthwash, cover in the way you normal try, and see the results! Let me know how it comes out for you, wither here in the forum or by email, CRICKET-WINNER@MSN.COM. Would love to hear from you!!!