Re: Henna for the Hair
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 17, 1998 at 20:24:16:
In Reply to: Re: Henna for the Hair posted by Wilson, V. on March 17, 1998 at 20:13:10:
Most natural food stores stock products from Frontier, and can order their red henna powder in bulk if they don't have it on hand...it's just fine for the hair and very inexpensive. When they mark it up, it's still only $8. a pound. We're in Ohio....Akron area, and we have copious henna on hand also, which does lovely things to hair when you aren't using it on your hands. Get ahold of us at www.mehandi.com or 330-688-1130 . All the Pakistani/Indian and Palistinian/Arab grocery stores have henna of several sorts, hair and otherwise....some days I think you couldn't swing a dead cat in Ohio without hitting henna.