A Bridal picture
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Posted by Roxanne on January 25, 2000 at 05:47:40:
Hi all! Been offline for a while with too much work! Just had a photo of a bride's hands that I hennaed posted on a website and wanted to share it. The pic is with the henna still on, but it came out very dark. It was my first try using the peel-off mask/sugar/lemon juice combo for a fixative/mordant and it came out really great! It's all I use now. Anyway, you all have shared such wonderful photos that I was excited to finally get to share one with you! :-) http://www.babaji.net/newsletters/winter99/winter99.html It's almost at the bottom of the page and the very last photo. Sorry that you have to let everything else load first! It's a newsletter that I do for friends of mine who run an Ashram. The wedding was held at the Ashram.