almost free offers

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Posted by Amy:-) on January 26, 2000 at 07:44:51:

hi i have some time on my hands and i wanted to repost the "almost
free offers" i ran a posting a while ago on here... and 2 of these
offers are on the web page, but here is the deal( and i appologize if
this offends any one :-) i mean no harm):

One per, person please, per 6 months :-)( if you sent before and
wanna send again...and its been a while...feel free to send again.
however 1 set of offers per envelope per 6 months.

Almost free stencil offer:
Mail a self addressed stamped envelope
and $1 handling fee, and you will receive
2 henna stencils. Please mark “stencil offer”
somewhere on the envelope.

Almost free jeweled bindi offer:
Mail a self addressed stamped envelope
and $1 handleing fee, and you will receive
1 jeweled bindi. Please mark “jeweled bindi offer”
somewhere on the envelope.

Almost free bindi card offer:
Mail a self addressed stamped with
$. 55 cent stamp in a 6x9 envelope and
$1 handling fee’ and you will receive one
bindi card (each card has 5 to 6 bindi’s).
Please mark “bindi card” offer some where
on the envelope. **Please make sure it’s
a .55 cent stamp with the bindi card….otherwise
you may owe postage upon delivery***

If you like send for all 3 at once.
Send $3 in a $.55 cent stamped 6x9
envelope and receive the stencils, jeweled
bindi, and bindi card.
**Please make sure it’s a .55 cent stamp
with all three offers….otherwise
you may owe postage upon delivery***

if i offend any one with this posting i appologize.

Send to:
Castle Art & Import
1525 S. Webster Ave.
Green Bay Wi. 54301 email web site

One per, person please, per 6 months :-)( if you sent before and
wanna send again...and its been a while...feel free to send again.
however 1 set of offers per envelope.
Not responsible for mis-delivered mail or lost mail offer is good
until further notice. (i will post way inadvance if i cancel this)
Void where prohibited.


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