Hair henna brands that do work for mehndi, Light Mountain Henna and ReshmaPosted by Helen of troy on March 18, 1998 at 00:39:16: In Reply to: Re: Whats the deal with spam and all this advertising on here? and a FREE HENNA RECIPE posted by Sue on March 17, 1998 at 23:31:25:
I see to much advertising on here.... any way I want to help everyone, Ahem! You must sift it either through a nylon or buy a baking sive ( don't I have 2 brands I like the most, Light Mountain Henna, a good color is Don't use Agival henna it has alot of twigs in it! I also use a brand called Reshma, you can buy a box of this stuff for I'm not upset at you sue, just some other people here that are too Helen of troy
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