Re: Wow, you're *that* Kenzi?!?!?!
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Posted by Kenzi on January 28, 2000 at 23:33:15:
In Reply to: Wow, you're *that* Kenzi?!?!?! posted by Zimra on January 28, 2000 at 07:22:10:
: Wow, I didn't realize that was you! I thought the name sounded : familiar! Several of my friends got their assrou n'swoul from you, : they were so ecstatic to find them for sale! Wow, I didn't know I was so famous! At least in the realm of assrou n'swoul! If ya'll don't know what these are, they are veil weights used by Tuareg women to hold their full body veil in place in the strong winds of the Sahara. They are really interesting looking, lots of variation from one to another because their only function is to be a weight tied to a piece of fabric. If you want to see them, please take a peek at my website. They make great necklaces. Zimra, I actually get a LOT of requests for this item, which I found very strange at first, but I am getting used to it. I am bringing a bunch back to satisfy the demand.