sift the henna
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Posted by Eliz. on January 29, 2000 at 15:29:03:
In Reply to: Re: Please Help with Jacquard Bottle! posted by Vickie on January 29, 2000 at 15:05:29:
I've made a large hole in the plastic tip, then screw the metal tips onto that. You don't need an air hole - after squeezing some quantity out, you release pressure on the sides and the air gets sucked back through the tip. Sometimes you don't get henna out if the paste is medium to thick and the bottle is only partly full. (Fill the bottle as much as possible.) You made runny henna, so that's not the problem in this case. It sounds like clogs. If you're using a fine tip, you have to sift the henna much more than for a wide tip or toothpicks. Try that. If you've got a large batch of paste already mixed, there have been several suggestions for sieving it - one involves putting the paste through a faucet strainer (the thing that goes inside a water faucet). A food processor works okay (tiny ones available for $10 or $15); various fine-meshed fabrics might also work (they'd have to stand up to the moisture, though - fabric or metal coffee filter, maybe). In general, sift the powder before mixing.