Maybe not where you come from .....
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on January 31, 2000 at 03:55:35:
In Reply to: can us Muslims ACTUALLY be coming to a site made by a MAN!!?!?!? posted by don't care to give on January 31, 2000 at 03:44:49:
There are a few places where Muslim men do not henna. You are either from one of those places, or you just fell off the troll wagon. I don't particularly care which...... In most henna using countries, a Muslim man is hennaed at a night of the henna party comparable to the bride's party. It has also been traditional for centuries for a Muslim boy to be hennaed at his circumcision. I have certainly hennaed Muslim grooms before their weddings, when I also hennaed their brides, though the men did not wish to have henna as elaborate as their wives'. It was also traditional for centuries for Muslim men to henna as part of preparing for battle. This site was created by a man at the request of his wife; and as I recall, a good man, Muslim or otherwise, is supposed to be graciously considerate of his wife's requests, wise and tender to her in all regards. Isn't it lovely that Jeremy has not only been kind to his wife but so many other ladies also?