Ohhhhh .... :-P

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Posted by Jewel on January 31, 2000 at 16:35:10:

In Reply to: can us Muslims ACTUALLY be coming to a site made by a MAN!!?!?!? posted by don't care to give on January 31, 2000 at 03:44:49:

Hmmm ... I must say you are one angry person. Didn't you know that
"Anger is a trait brought on by Satan itself" ? Anyways, I don't
normally give any attention to posters like you but I feel the need to
say something when religion comes in the picture. Firstly, I am a
Muslim and I've lived all my life watching men wearing henna; wedding,
Eid or otherwise. There has never been an issue with henna being
comparable to wearing a dress. Even our Prophet Mohammad used henna on
his beard (that is SUCH a known fact). As a matter of fact, henna is
probably the ONLY colourant allowed to dye hair (for Muslims).

Secondly, I am extrememly PLEASED to know that people from ALL over
the world actually embrace a small part of our culture. We may have
lived with it all our lives and these people don't (in YOUR
perspective, non-Muslims) they don't just LIKE it, they even practices
it (with an abundance of vigour). I have all to know that a couple of
years ago, brides here won't even have their fingers painted with
henna 'cos they thought it was 'old-fashioned' *horror horror*. It's
actually an honour to have people from different race and culture to
be interested in your own. Talking about respect, I've NEVER met
another bunch of people who gives more respect to other people's
culture than the people in this forum.

The main issue here is ... it's about an ancient art, it's about
the love for it, it's about talking and sharing, it's about being open
to other people's opinions, it's about being proud of YOUR culture,
proud to know that it's being practised not only by people YOUR own
kind. Who says that arts has to be stinged ?


~Jewel~ - who is grateful to Jeremy for having this wonderful forum


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