Re: Going to Morocco...need anything?
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Posted by Kree Arvanitas on February 02, 2000 at 04:37:18:
In Reply to: Re: Going to Morocco...need anything? posted by Kenzi on February 01, 2000 at 01:14:29:
A khanjer is the curved knife -- there is a henna design that guys are getting in Morocco which is a khanjer with a snake wrapped around it, I have a sample but haven't gotten around to redrawing it. I would love to have a knife in my belt for my faux middle-eastern-medieval costume! : : Lisa - I'd be interested in a small, but not too expensive khanjer : than I can tie in my belt. No antiques, but not real shabby, either. : I hope you have a wonderful trip! I wish I were going! By the way - : your comment about the root word for Kohl is interesting - in Romany : the word for 'black" is kalyi (one of my favorite Rom bands is : called "Kalyi Jag -- Black Fire"). perhaps the arabic and indian : words spring from the same linguistic source. : Admitting my ignorance here: what's a khanjer? If you have a photo : that would help a lot. : I am sure that the words are related (Rom and Arabic). A lot of : words in many languages are borrowed from the Arabic: Turkish, : English, Spanish, Hindi, Persian etc. etc. And now French is being : infiltrated (although the Alliance Francaise would probably deny it!) : by Arabic, especially slang from all the 2nd and 3rd generation North : Africans there. Check out the movie "Hate" ("La Haine") for a real : earful. Stop me before I go so far off topic as to fall off the edge : of the earth.