Re: I want to purchase colored henna paste
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Posted by star-grazer on February 02, 2000 at 13:04:42:
In Reply to: I want to purchase colored henna paste posted by Jenny Kay on February 02, 2000 at 04:03:29:
You can get colored henna tubes from Castle Arts. They are mail order but are very nice and really quick about mailing it to you. Also the colors are safe and contain no PPD. They carry black, red, purple, green, blue,and pink, etc. I have tried all of them with good results. However they only last about 3-5 days. They also sell the best natural henna powder. I will send you the link. If it does not go through just type in: www.castleart.com : Hello, : I am very interested in purchasing tubes of colored henna paste. My dear friend is from pakistan and is willing to teach me how to do it, but I simply cannot find a place where you can buy individual tubes of the beautiful colors I've been hearing so much about.
: Thank You, : Jenny Kay