Opsite or Tegaderm
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Posted by star-grazer on February 02, 2000 at 13:19:36:
I have tried using Tegaderm by 3M to cover a completed design with very favorable results. It is an extremely thin type of breathable bandage used in the medical field to place over I.V.'s in hospitals. When I did henna on a man he gave me this to use over his design (he is a nurse). I was impressed so I researched it and found it at a local medical supply store. I bought the Tegaderm which is cheaper than Opsite but the same stuff. It cost $60.00 for a box of 100 pieces (2 3/8" X 4"). I tried it out last night on a palm design. The piece fit perfectly and in the morning I removed it and it still clung quite well. It been on there for 10 hours. You can find information about it on the web if you type in: Opsite+medical supplies