Re: gritting teeth until the bridgework whimpers
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Posted by Aisha Hashmi on February 03, 2000 at 16:47:24:
In Reply to: gritting teeth until the bridgework whimpers posted by Catherine Cartwright JOnes on February 03, 2000 at 04:03:48:
You don't have to be rude. But since you were first, may Allah (SWAT) forgive me for saying this as well, but I wish you WOULD go bang your head on the parking lot. You don't own this forum, and for the record, I don't want to come here aqny more to mix with the women who CALL themselves MUSLIM but act as KAFIR. I will reserve myself to be happy with freehand and my own site. For the record..... as far as I can determine, henna has been used by : women (mostly) in celebration of fertility, life, birth and death : since 6000 BCE (Anatolia) and probably earlier. That predates any : religion we have going now. It has been used by Christians, Animists, : Hindus, Buddhists, Jews and Muslims. It was used within many : religions before those. Henna has adorned men, women, deities, demons, : goats, sheep, horses, cows, children, whores, courtesans, eunuchs, : transvestites, apsaras, peris and the occasional supreme being. I : wouldn't dream of denying any one of them the joy of henna. : One of the most annoying moments I've had recently was just after I'd : done a 3 hour henna lecture at a library for young women .... and a : mother came in to pick up her kid, and told me that she didn't bother : coming to the lecture because she "knew all about henna". She : proceeded to tell me that Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet, had : herself discovered henna and introduced it to womankind. For this : woman, who was a recent and intensely devout convert to very : conservative Islam, handing her pictures of artifacts that absolutely : prove that henna was widespread by 2000 BCE was fairly futile ..... : because she simply dismissed them as "Temptations of Satan". I : respect faith, because it's a crucial and redeeming force in the chaos : of many people's lives, but it does frequently make me just want to go : bang my head on the blacktop in the parking lot. : For the sake of the sanctity of parking lots and my resulting : headaches, I'd be VERY grateful to leave the religious terratorial : barking to some other forum.