Re: And then there's this picture
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Posted by Kenzi on February 04, 2000 at 03:42:21:
In Reply to: Re: And then there's this picture posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 04, 2000 at 01:49:39:
: Nice "hand of Fatima" earrings on that lady too! : Could you find me a pair of "Hand of Fatima" earrings in Morocco? : Also .... I read that on many shops, homes, various places in Morocco, : the "Hand of Fatima" is at the doorpost to protect the place. If you : see any of those, could you take a picture of them for me? That would : be fantastic! That will be a breeze! They are everywhere in Morocco. There are really modern ones, filligreed in gold. and then others much more rustic, made by the Tuareg. And all sorts of others in between. I'll get some photos for you. And earrings too.