Re: try a bit of olive oil dear, catherine your a saving grace here
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 19, 1998 at 17:48:59:
In Reply to: try a bit of olive oil dear, catherine your a saving grace here posted by helen of troy on March 19, 1998 at 05:12:02:
Olive oil is quick to smell rancid on many people. Do I just have a sensitive nose, or do you not smell it? Also, your fav henna must be naturally very acidic. Your recipe is useless with my fav henna...that's why I specify that henna must be sourer than ph5 to release dye. A plant growing wild across such a huge geographic region is bound to have a lot of variation (consider the varieties of cannabis that grew wild across our continent...some made great rope, some had other possibilities....) One of the problems I say in the henna page when I was reading it a year ago, was that the posts were largely anecdotal...not based on chemistry and dermatology, linguistics, history and sociology. I had a notion that a little scholarship could go a long way.....