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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 05, 2000 at 00:26:07:
In Reply to: Web Site Up & No Longer Lurching posted by Kree Arvanitas on February 04, 2000 at 23:06:27:
Damn, you're good! REALLY good! I've heard the feminist rant against henna mostly from some very hurt and angry women who are ethnically Middle Eastern, and haven't gotten past rage they have about relationships with older members of family. It's some pretty miserable immigrant experience stuff. I do a lot of listening when I'm hennaeing Lebanese and Palestinian ladies hereabouts. There's a lot of very real pain going on that is tangent to henna and women's experience. That's one of the reasons I am so bloodyminded about persuing a larger view of women's experience with henna, and it's origins. There are so many points of view to be heard, so many experiences, that openmindedness is crucial. Some particularly enlightening books on the experiences the ME women have with marriage, henna, identity, and the like are in "Price of Honor" (don't have the author, daughter borrowed the book and hasn't brought it back) and "Beyond the Veil" by Fatima Mernisi, second edition ... It certainly doesn't take a lot of historical digging to see the part henna has played as a symbol of power, independence, and strength, and sexuality in women. (not to mention the occasions of vengeance, victory, and once in a great while, killing everybody in sight.)