Re: Cathrine, thanks for the lesson and look forward to seeing more!
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on March 19, 1998 at 20:02:06:
In Reply to: Cathrine, thanks for the lesson and look forward to seeing more! posted by kri on March 19, 1998 at 19:01:09:
That's very sweet of you! Thank you! When I first saw the flame war, I thought I might be the target, becaust I'm a professional, and I drop my url and selfpromote our stuff every chance I can slip it into a followup... Roy and I have bills to pay, we're just a home business...we need all the clients we can get, we try to serve them well, and are grateful to them... We're not adverse to working for our bread, though, and feel that the more people know about henna , the better...so we work HARD to put together REAL info. If you're curious as to who Roy Jones and Catherine Cartwright Jones are and what their background is, you are invited to www.tapdancinglizard.com . Click on the dancing kitty there, if you like beading, embroidery, or knitting, there's lots free goodies for you in the free area. That may give you some clues as to where www.mehandi.com began.