Re: Practice & Learning...
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Posted by NaturGirl on February 08, 2000 at 03:03:47:
In Reply to: Re: Practice & Learning... posted by Kenzi on February 08, 2000 at 02:54:30:
: It would be great to see your work, especially if you don't have a : website. It doesn't matter that you're an amateur because we are all : interested in henna, we love pictures of henna...and you might get : praise and/or pointers. : You can email me the image and I'll post it so that everyone can see : it. Just send it to my address above. The pics are on their way, and thank you very much for the kind offer! By all means I would appreciate any advice! I know it is blurry, but thats my fault not the camera or the henna's. I didnt wait for it to dry before dabbing lemon and NS on it! MY BAD! :P