Re: heat bags
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Posted by Catherine Nielsen on February 10, 2000 at 16:53:38:
In Reply to: heat bags posted by sarah on February 10, 2000 at 13:45:36:
For the easiest kind of bag (if you don't have a sewing machine); use a tube sock. Fill the bag with uncooked rice, or flax seed (not too full, or it won't be flexible enough to wrap around your body parts), and tie the top in a TIGHT knot. If you have a sewing machine or serger, and would like a more customized bag, cut the fabric to the desired size and shape, with seam allowance, stitch, turn, fill, and sew up the open part either by hand or machine. I use cotton flannel for mine, but my step-daughter makes bags (for soothing tight muscles, not henna) out of silk, and puts some herbs like lavendar or cinnamon in with the rice. The herbs give off a lovely scent when heated. I hope this helps! Catherine Nielsen : Does anybody know where I can find out how to make those bags that : you can microwave and use as heating pads?