Help with school projects! Yes!
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 14, 2000 at 14:15:29:
In Reply to: Please Help me posted by Christine on February 14, 2000 at 11:47:36:
If ANY student is doing a paper on henna or looking for something do do for a science fair ... I have LOTS of material on the history, techniques, patterns, chemistry and traditions that I will be HAPPY to email to you! I've already helped dozens of students (up to Phd) write papers on henna, and I am always ready to help more. I know the material is hard to find. Just let me know, as specifically as you can, what you need. No charge. Email me. You'll just need a fresh printer cartridge. I also have several suggestions for elementry and middle school science fair projects involving henna so you don't have to watch lab rats run through a maze one more time. (Though I suppose you could henna them ....) I've got the molecular diagram of henna and info on how it works, so you can do tests and comparisons with acidity, heat, time, freshness, paste mixes ... perfectly valid science fair stuff.