fame, worrying the sheep, Baptists and high wierdness
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 14, 2000 at 20:38:57:
I had an extroardinary, wonderful and strange henna week .... I was booked in for lectures on the history, traditions and techniques of henna into public libraries in the rural Bible belt of Ohio. The state of Ohio funds libraries wonderfully, and allows libraries to budget for lecturers ... and I seem to be flavor of the month for "Young Adult" programming. Thank Goddess. Very few knowledgeable people volunteer for library gigs, because the $ is pretty iffy ... but as a daft old retired cow, I find new experiences more intriguing than $. So ... because several popular books on henna have been picked up by every library down to the most rural, an in-depth history and traditions lecture followed up by a cone of fresh henna for every patient listener is very popular .... especially in the beaurocratic world of "if you don't use your budget line, you can kiss it goodbye!". So, I packed my bags and my $500 '89 rusty Nova, and followed the map to several very tiny communities .... where I found at each library a WONDERFUL roomful of girls and ladies very, very eager to find out about henna at every stop! I've never seen young women so hungry for a connection to the last 9000 years of women's joy and sexuality ... and many of them on the first try were outstanding henna artists! I skewed the history lecture towards the original henna useage as a celebration of the agricultural cycle of the year, the exhaltation of the fertility of women, cows, goats and sheep and the fields .... and leaned hard on the recent stuff I've found that proves that henna was used in Old Testament and New Testament Palestine .... (because the local fundie preachers, had, of course pitched a fit at the library administration that they were programming "cult indoctrination" into their libraries. Yeah. Right. Get a grip. ) (But if they found me threatening, I accept the compliment!) (I also went into the Christian use of henna in Armenia, Spain, Sicily, Egypt, Ethiopia and Lebanon .... not mentioning that the henna users were Christians but not necessarilly Baptists... ) Also .... I showed them pictures and written records of hennaed horses, cows, sheep, goats .... and as most of them are 4-H'ers .... looks like there will be MANY burgundy-hennaed pet lambs (and other species) shown at the county fairgrounds this spring! This is just tooooooo coool! If you've REALLY got henna history, traditions and techniques down and memorized like your pin number for your ATM card ... don't hesitate to take it into very rural comunities .... for heaven's sake, most of henna's history was in the hands of young rural women! It really, really works for people who don't see it as a kicky trend, but as an art form that weaves women, land and fertility together, generation after generation. The money may not happen, but the joy is unsurpassed! My only regret for last week was ... sigh ... the wonderful full page all color newspaper article that lauded my lecture as the best possible #1 thing to attend for the week ... listed "Wierd Al Yankovic"'s concert as the #10 choice. I was so chagrined. I adore Wieird Al! I used to listen to "My Balogne" in Los Angeles when he and Dr. Dementom were just local ..... but fame is very very peculiar. There's no point in taking it seriously at all. >Actually, most of you have seen me in a major motion picture done when I was 14 ( no biggie, I was an extra, but very visible.... email if you want the dirt)< If you want to do this sort of thing, and need a lecture outline, email me ..... Or if you want me to come and lecture .... I don't charge much over expenses, and I've got 5 lectures available for presentation .... email me if you think you'd like to have me.....