Re: CuChulainn
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Posted by Carrie on February 14, 2000 at 23:22:47:
In Reply to: Re: CuChulainn posted by Amy L. on February 14, 2000 at 07:03:31:
: Who is/was CuChulainn? (Sorry, it's OT, but it sounds interesting) CuChulainn was an Irish hero who is written about in the Annals of Ulster, which is a pretty much historical account of what life was like in Ireland pre-Christainity. CuChulainn is attributed with great powers, like being able to leap across Ireland in a few jumps, fight off hordes of foes single handed, etc, etc. He was also very fond of chariot racing and women. For a good fictional account of the exploits of CuChulainn in the Annals of Ulster, read Morgan Llywellyn's "Red Branch". It's a used bookstore kind of thing, as I think it's out of print. Redaing the Annals straight is rather dull unless you like Irish historical manuscripts... Carrie