More evidence about heat
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Posted by Natasha Papousek on February 15, 2000 at 14:42:26:
Had the chance to see a client after the henna had been off for a week-end and was pleasantly amazed. SHe had wanted a large complicated design extending from the back of her hand up to her elbow. Typically I don't get good takes on this area, and since this client was older and had dryish skin, I gave her the full scoop about how it might not turn out at all...this was Friday afternoon... Come Monday morning, she very proudly showed me her design -- deep chocolate brown....all the way up, except for the last inch and a half which was a respectable lighter brown. She said she had followed my instructions to stay warm -- and had worn her carpal tunnel brace (which covered everything except the last inch and a half) and then wore a long flannel shirt and slept under an electric blanket. My recipe hasn't altered -- just very fresh, finely sifted henna, lemon juice, strong clove tea, honey, yogurt, and a dash of olive oil.