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Posted by Sue on March 20, 1998 at 04:23:48:
Ok to all of you, I am not even going to try and name all of you, and then there is one I have no nmae for. I have been asked what makes Body Art Supply so great, or the best. First, I stated that out of all the kits I have tried, Body Art Supply and Lori in Bandon were the best, most complete kits for the money. It is not just customer service, or speedy shipping (although that helped) it is what I received for my money, and how it worked. I don't know what the legalities would be if I were to post here the findings of the kits that I have used. Could I be sued for slander, even though I am posting my opinion? If you would like to know more e-mail me and I will be more than happy to tell you, unless you find out if I can post it here with no problems. Again I am not trying to PROMOTE anyone, justing stating my opinion. E-mail