Subject for a Sirius Seminar?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on February 15, 2000 at 20:54:13:
In Reply to: Cone-a-phobia! posted by Kenzi on February 15, 2000 at 00:57:15:
With upwards of 20 people coming to Sirius for the henna ...maybe there needs to be a time designated for sharing tools and techniques. Everyone's got their fav... that's for sure .... maybe we'd all do better if we could see each others favorite tools and how they use them. Anyone want to contact sroyjones@earthlink.net and be facilitator for that class? It would be preferable if that person could bring with them a fair array of tools. If several different sorts tools, henna and several mixes, and after-cares (wraps and all) could be discussed, too ... that would make it a very helpful class, as each of us has limited breadth in hennaes and recipes. Nothing like arraying and comparing them all next to each other! I'm not the person to do that one, as I already have 6 classes, and I'm a cone-head mostly. I don't have all that much experience with multiple frosting tips and jacquard bottles. Someone want to take facilitator of that one on?