Re:Al Muhajabat henna?
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Posted by Jenna on February 16, 2000 at 21:21:09:
In Reply to: Re:Al Muhajabat henna? posted by Nick on February 16, 2000 at 20:07:19:
: Has anybody ever bought henna from Al Muhajabat? (they specialize in : arab clothing) I recently bought a whole bunch of the stuff, and its : been acting strangely. It seems to stain the skin it doesn't even : touch! I drew a really lacy design on my palm, and when I woke up, the : paste was still in place, but all the areas around it were red too! It : looked like the dye had spread through my skin! Weird!?!? It also : stained my toenails grey!! My suspician is that there is dye added or : somthing. It also becomes EXTREMELY sticky when the paste is mixed, : even if I have not added sugar!? Its consistency is like when you make : cookies, and all of the wet ingredients are not added, yet, and it is : sooooo hard to stir. And this is after I have added 5 times as much : liquid as henna! Talk about absorbant! It would be sad if it Was : artificial, because it is vey nice to work with, once the consistency : is right. HHMMM... Any info would be greatly appreciated!! It does sound like a dye ingredient was added. Did you try looking at the color development after an hour? Maybe you just need to leve it on for a short time. Did you wrap it? Sweating would cause it to bleed. To make use of all that henna, try just leaving it on a short time and peeking at it to see when you get the desired color. Please let us know how you make out with this! Jenna